
Prashar Lake

Prashar Lake is a freshwater lake located in the Mandi district of Himachal Pradesh, India. It is situated at an altitude of 2,730 metres (8956ft) from the sea level. It lies 49km (30Miters) east of the town of Mandi. It contains a natural floating island inside it. The surrounding areas especially the hills change their color according to the weather , in winter season they turn white as it snows, in the rainy season emerald green and in summers natural green brown. The water is crystal clear throughout the year especially in summers. The lake has a spiritual mythological history associated with it. The name of this Lake originates from a great spiritual Rishi, Rishi Prashar. In winters the drops to -5°C (23°F), in summer season the temperature goes up to 25°C (77°F).



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